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Seats in Grades K, 1 & 2 Available for the school year 2024-25
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Cupos disponibles en Kínder, 1
.º y 2.º Grado para el ciclo escolar 2024-25

¡Haga clic e inscríbase antes de que se agoten los cupos!
Llámanos para más información: 917-819-5337

School Reopening On October 26 2020

October 21, 2020

Dear LEEP Academy Families,

Today, Governor Cuomo announced a set of changes to New York State’s map of required closures. Based on the revised map, LEEP Academy’s location is now considered to be in a “Yellow” rather than our earlier designation in the “Orange” zone. This is good news.

Here’s what this means for our school community:

1. LEEP Academy will re-open for in-person instruction starting Monday, October 26. All of our regular school services -- including morning bus service, school meals, and Roads to Success afterschool service -- will be available when in-person instruction resumes on Monday.

2. Tomorrow (Thursday) and Friday, all classes will continue remotely according to the announced schedule. This will allow our teachers and staff to prepare for a smooth transition. Since we don’t know if all-remote learning will be required in the future, we will take advantage of the next couple of days to keep improving our remote-learning skills. 

3. MOST IMPORTANT: As a school now designated in the Yellow zone, our community  is required to participate in periodic COVID testing. At least 20% of our in-person students and staff must be tested each week, or we will not be allowed to remain open. Free tests are available at sites throughout the city. Our director of Familias y Enlace, Margarita Cheng, will provide a list of centers available to you in our neighborhood.  More details to follow on what documents we will need to show proof of testing.

If almost all our LEEP Academy families participate, each family should only need to go for testing about once a month while LEEP Academy is in the Yellow zone. A COVID test is not required to return to school on Monday, and we will share more information soon.

I know this period of remote instruction has been challenging for many students and families. We thank you for your partnership, and look forward to seeing many of you very soon.


Roberto Gutierrez
Executive Director