World-class education in English and Spanish!

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Seats still available in K, 1, and 2 for the current school year. Call us for more information: 917-819-5337
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Educación de clase mundial en inglés y español
Haga un recorrido o llene su solicitud aquí
Aún quedan cupos disponibles en Kindergarten, 1º y 2º Grado para el ciclo actual
¡Inscríbase antes de que se agoten!

o llámenos para más información: 917-819-5337

March 2, 2022

IMPORTANT: Mask Policy Change, Effective March 7

Dear LEEP Academy Family,
Starting Monday, March 7, masks will be optional at LEEP Dual Language Academy. Your family can decide whether or not your child(ren) should wear a mask at school, and our teachers and staff will reinforce that preference. This also applies during the afterschool program.
I made this decision after careful consideration of many factors, including expert guidance and the voices of many stakeholders. A majority of families (60%) supported a mask-optional policy in our survey, and we appreciated so many thoughtful comments on all sides of this question. Ultimately, I feel obliged to honor the wishes of individual families.
If you would like your child(ren) to continue wearing a mask next week, please communicate that to your child and complete this form so that we can inform teachers and staff. If you would like your child(ren) to go without a mask, you don't need to take any action.
Whatever your preference is now, you can change it at any time for the rest of the school year.
Although I am happy to announce this change, it is possible that we could return to mandatory masking if conditions change in the future. We will continue to listen to scientific guidance, family and teacher input, and of course our local and state authorities.
In the coming days, our teachers will talk with students about how we can make this change in line with our core virtues. We will show Respect/Respeto to everyone, regardless of whether they wear a mask or not, including children and adults. We won't ridicule each other, judge each other, or or sit in separate groups. This is a great chance to recognize that we can disagree but still get along as a community.
Also, there are still important steps we can all take to protect against harm from COVID. If you haven't already, please consider having your family vaccinated and/or signing up your student to participate in random testing. Just call or email the school and we'll be happy to help.
Please feel free to send us your questions, and don't forget to complete this survey if you prefer your child to continue wearing a mask. Thank you for your input and your partnership.
Respectfully yours,
Michael Regnier
Co-Founder & Interim Executive Director