World-class education in English and Spanish!

Seats in Grades K and 2 Available for the school year 2024-25
Apply now!

Call us for more information: 917-819-5337
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Cupos disponibles en Kínder y 2.º Grado para el ciclo 2024-25
¡Inscríbase antes de que se agoten los cupos!

How Can We Help?

School Location

Blue Campus (Main Campus and Grades K-3)

5323 Fifth Avenue, 2nd Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11220
(917) 819-LEEP (5337)

Red Campus (Grades 4-5)

475 53rd Street, 2nd Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11220
(917) 819-LEEP (5337) or (332) 331-7909